Thursday, August 27, 2020

PQI Management of Suppliers Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

PQI Management of Suppliers - Article Example Accordingly, Tier 1 providers ought to keep up the relationship with PQI. Level 2 providers have the capacity to keep up stable gracefully in the district. It likewise has solid specialized help, and creation the executives capacity. Because of this, PQI should keep working with Tier 2 to gracefully its items in the area. Level 3 providers have low serious costs, and less capacity to create quality items. PQI should give cautioning to Tier 3 providers. In the event that the quantities of nearby clients keep on lessening, PQI should stop working with Tier 3 providers and seek after new providers. It should share the appraisal results since this will empower the providers to understand their shortcoming and improve. This will likewise empower PQI to keep cozy relationship with all the providers since it needs to exploit any innovation that may emerge. Further, it will have the option to limit on creation costs. For example, keeping up close working relationship with Tier 3 inferred that creation of bite the dust items by a gifted organization would assume a crucial job in helping PQI to carry new items to the market at a low creation cost. 4-The buying administrator has limited its decision of possible provider for the surge request from the new client to A, B, and C. In the event that you were Wang, which provider would you suggest that the buying chief put in the request with? Clarify

Saturday, August 22, 2020

food :: essays research papers

Food Food is the connector to everything that encompasses our way of life. Every festival incorporates a colossal banquet. We accept food tastes better when it is imparted to family, family members, and numerous others. In my granddad Makivik's time, a wide range of food were stored on the land, prepared for a festival. In those days there were numerous approaches to set up the nourishments, including various kinds of sauces and plunges. I am aware of three sauces that are generally excellent: aalu, misiraq, and nirukkaq. Aalu is produced using decision parts of caribou or seal. Here is the formula. Ensure the meat is lean and clean. Cut it up in minuscule pieces and put it in a bowl. Include a couple of drops of softened fat. At that point include a couple of drops of blood. Include uruniq (ptarmigan digestive tract) to taste. Mix everything friskily with your fingers until the volume duplicates and the blend turns soft. This is one of the most well known plunges for a wide range of meat. Misiraq is another plunge that is made everywhere throughout the North today. It is produced using fat. Cut up bits of seal fat, whale, or ujjuk (square flipper seal), trying not to incorporate any meat. Put the fat in a sheltered compartment with a punctured top †for instance, an old espresso tin holder. Try not to utilize plastic sacks or holders with impermeable tops. Store it in a cool spot where it tends to be gradually matured away from heat. At the point when it ages appropriately the fluid winds up clear, similar to a fine white wine. The fragrance is scrumptious and never harsh. (On the off chance that it smells horrible, toss it out! The hostile smell implies it hasn't matured appropriately.) All sorts of meats can be plunged in misiraq. The third plunge is called nirukkaq. It requires exceptional consideration. Nirukkaq is the substance of caribou stomach. Here is my Uncle Annowalk's formula. The tracker, when butchering the caribou, cautiously evacuates the stomach substance and places them into a compartment. The substance are solidified until fit to be utilized. At the point when the opportunity arrives, the substance are defrosted and a procedure called siingijaijuq is started. This includes cleaning the substance cautiously with working movements. Nuisances like bits of grass, leaves, lichen or protuberances are evacuated. At the point when smooth, it is prepared. Caribou meat is utilized for plunging. Our food is significantly more than simply solidified or crude meats and sauces. We additionally appreciate various sorts of dried fish and meats, for example, caribou.

Friday, August 21, 2020

M?n?g?m?nt Theory of Fr?d?ri?k H?rzb?rg

M?n?g?m?nt Theory of Fr?d?ri?k H?rzb?rg Fr?d?ri?k Herzberg (1923-2000), w?? a ?lini??l ????h?l?gi?t and pioneer ?f the job ?nri?hm?nt m?n?g?m?nt ??n???t. H? i? r?g?rd?d ?? one of th? great ?rigin?l think?r? in m?n?g?m?nt and m?tiv?ti?n?l theory.M?tiv?ti?n i? a ??w?rful, yet tricky b???t.S?m?tim?? it is r??ll? ???? t? g?t motivated, ?nd you find yourself wrapped u? in a whirlwind of ?x?it?m?nt.Oth?r tim??, it i? nearly impossible to figure out h?w t? motivate yourself ?nd ??ur? tr????d in a death ??ir?l of procrastination.M?tiv?ti?n i? literally th? d??ir? to d? thing?. Its the diff?r?n?? b?tw??n w?king up before dawn to ??unding the ??v?m?nt ?nd l?zing around th? house all d??.It? the ?ru?i?l ?l?m?nt in ??tting ?nd ?tt?ining g??l?â€"?nd research ?h?w? ??u ??n influ?n?? your own l?v?l? of m?tiv?ti?n and ??lf-??ntr?l.In 1959, H?rzb?rg ??ndu?t?d a ?tud? with 200 ?ngin??r? and ????unt?nt? ?? th? ?ubj??t?. Th?? w?r? asked t? recollect th?ir ?x??ri?n??? and f??ling? (positive ?r n?g?tiv?) th?? had at work, and th? r????n? b?hind th? w?? they f?lt.Based ?n the ?ubj??tiv? data from the r????nd?nt?, H?rzb?rg b?g?n to ?n?l?z? their j?b attitudes. Fr?m th? ?tud?, he proposed a tw?-f??t?r ???r???h wh?n attempting t? und?r?t?nd m?tiv?ti?n ?m?ng ?m?l?????.This g?v? birth t? th? Tw? Factor Th??r?, also known ??, Herzbergs M?tiv?ti?n Th??r?.Frederick Herzberg (1923 2000) w?? a US ?lini??l ????h?l?gi?t who l?t?r b???m? Professor ?f M?n?g?m?nt ?t th? Univ?r?it? of Ut?h.Hi? ?v?rriding int?r??t in m?nt?l h??lth ?t?mm?d from his belief that mental h??lth is th? core i??u? ?f ?ur tim??. This was ?r?m?t?d by hi? ???ting t? th? Dachau concentration ??m? ?ft?r its lib?r?ti?n. On his r?turn t? Am?ri??, he worked for th? US Public Health S?rvi??.H? i? b??t kn?w f?r hi? hygiene-motivation theory, whi?h was fir?t ?ubli?h?d in Th? m?tiv?ti?n t? w?rk in 1959. H?rzb?rg? w?rk focused ?n th? individual in th? workplace, but it has b??n ???ul?r with m?n?g?r? ?? it ?l?? emphasised th? im??rt?n?? ?f m?n?g?m?nt kn?wl?dg? ?nd ?x??rti??.H ?RZB?RG? M?IN TH??R? AND ITS ?IGNIFI??N??Herzberg was th? fir?t to ?h?w that ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd di???ti?f??ti?n at w?rk nearly always ?r??? from different factors, ?nd w?r? not simply opposing reactions to th? ??m? factors, ?? h?d always previously b??n b?li?v?d.Th?? ??ndu?t?d a ??ri?? of inter ¬views with 200 ?ngin??r? ?nd ????unt?nt? f??u?ing ?n f??t?r? ??n?id?r?d to be important ?? ??ur??? ?f motivation.E??h engineer was ??k?d two questions:Can ??u d???rib?, in detail, wh?n ??u felt ?x???ti?n?ll? b?d ?b?ut th? j?b?C?n ??u d???rib?, in d?t?il, wh?n you felt ?x???ti?n?ll? good about th? j?b?Fr?m th? r??li?? r???iv?d Herzberg di???v?r?d one ??t ?f factors that produce j?b ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd motivation ?nd ?n?th?r set ?f f??t?r? that l??d t? j?b di???ti?f??ti?n.Although ‘l?w ???’ might w?ll b? described as ??u?ing dissatisfaction, ‘high pay’ w?uld n?t necessarily be t?k?n as a ??u?? of satisfaction. In?t??d, diff?r?nt f??t?r?, ?u?h as recognition or ????m?li?hm?nt, were cited ?? ??ti?f?ing.This finding l?d H?rzb?rg t? arrive ?t the ??n?lu?i?n that th? traditional model of j?b ??ti?f??ti?n w?? incomplete. The tr?diti?n?l vi?w h?ld? that ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd dissatisfaction ?r? at ?????it? ?nd? ?f a ?ingl? ??ntinuum.But H?rzb?rg’? int?rvi?w? had identified tw? different ??t of factors: ?n? r?nging fr?m ??ti?f?? ¬ti?n to no satisfaction ?nd th? ?th?r r?nging fr?m di? ¬??ti?f??ti?n t? n? di???ti?-f??ti?n.Th? f??t?r? influ?n?ing the satisfaction ??ntinuum ?r? ??ll?d m?tiv?ti?n f??t?r? and th?? are r?l?t?d ????ifi ¬??ll? t? the w?rk ??nt?nt. Th? ?th?r ??t ?f f??t?r? (th? one causing di???ti?f??ti?n) H?rzb?g called h?gi?ni? factors; they are related t? th? work ??nt?xt, i.?., w?rk environment.Motivating f??t?r? h?v? uplifting effects on attitude ?r ??rf?rm?n??. H?gi?ni? (?r m?int?n?n??) f??t?r? ?r?v?nt l??? ?f m?r?l? ?r ?ff??tiv?n???.Alth?ugh th?? ??nn?t b? th?m??lv?? motivate human b?ing?, th?? ??n f?r??t?ll ?n? serious dissatisfaction or drop in ?r?du?tivit?. H?rz b?rg th?n argues th?t th?r? ?r? tw? ?t?g?? in th? process ?f motivating ?m?l?????.Fir?t, the manager must ?n?ur? th?t th? hygiene factors ?r? ?d??u?t?. Th?t is, ??? and security mu?t b? ???r??ri?t?, working conditions mu?t be ??f?, t??hni??l ?u??rvi?i?n must b? ?????t?bl?, and th? lik?.By ?r?viding these factors ?t an ???r??ri?t? level, the manager does n?t ?timul?t? m?tiv?ti?n but merely ?n?ur?? th?t ?m?l???r become ‘n?t di???ti?fi?d’. Employees whom m?n?g?r? ?tt?m?t t? ‘??ti?f?’ vi? h?gi?ni? factors ?l?n? will ?ut th? minimum effort t? avoid job l???.M?n?g?r? ?h?uld th?n ?r????d to the next stage- th?? should giv? ?m?l????? th? ????rtunit? t? ?x??ri?n?? motivation f??t?r? ?u?h as ??hi?v?m?nt ?nd recognition.Th? r??ult i? ?r?di?t?d t? b? a high l?v?l of ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd m?tiv?ti?n.H?rzb?rg ?l?? goes one ?t?? ?h??d of ?th?r? to d???rib? exactly, h?w t? u?? the tw?-f??t?r theory. S???ifi??ll?, h? r???mm?nd? j?b enrichment.H? ?rgu?? that j?b? ?h?uld be redesigned to ?r?vid? hi gh?r levels ?f th? m?tiv?ti?n f??t?r?.The im?li??ti?n i? th?t today’s employees ?x???t to b? tr??t?d f?irl? b? th?ir m?n?g?r? ?? ?? t? m?int?in th?ir individual rights.Th?? ?x???t decent working conditions ?nd w?g? ?nd salaries ??m??r?bl? t? th?t ?f ????l? doing ?imil?r j?b in other organisations. Th?? ?x???t company policies to b? ??n?i?t?ntl? and equitably applied to ?ll ?m?l?????.If th??? expectations ?r? n?t r??li??d, employees ?r? de-motivated (or n?g?tiv?l? m?tiv?t?d).Thi? condition i? u?u?ll? r?fl??t?d in inefficiency ?nd a high turn?v?r r?t? (i.?., frequent resignation).But fulfilling th??? ?x???t?ti?n? does n?t n??????ril? m?tiv?t? ?m?l?????.As M??l?w’? theory maintains, it i? ?nl? wh?n the lower-level needs are ??ti?fi?d th?t the high?r-l?v?l n??d? ??n b? m??t ?ff??tiv?l? u??d in m?tiv?ting ????l?.The k?? is for th? manager t? t?? th? motivating factors. Th? tw? sets ?f factors li?t?d may n?w be illu?tr?t?d.Ex?m?l?? of H?rzb?rg? h?gi?n? n??d? (or m?int?n?n?? f??t?r?) i n th? w?rk?l??? are:Pay The pay or salary ?tru?tur? should b? ???r??ri?t? ?nd r????n?bl?. It must b? equal ?nd ??m??titiv? t? those in the ??m? indu?tr? in th? same d?m?in.C?m??n? P?li?i?? ?nd ?dmini?tr?tiv? policies Th? ??m??n? ??li?i?? ?h?uld n?t b? t?? rigid. Th?? should b? f?ir ?nd clear. It ?h?uld include flexible working h?ur?, dr??? code, breaks, v???ti?n, ?t?.Fringe b?n?fit? Th? employees ?h?uld b? ?ff?r?d h??lth ??r? ?l?n? (mediclaim), benefits for the f?mil? m?mb?r?, ?m?l???? h?l? programmes, ?t?.Ph??i??l W?rking ??nditi?n? Th? w?rking conditions should b? ??f?, clean ?nd h?gi?ni?. The w?rk equipments ?h?uld b? updated and w?ll-m?int?in?d.St?tu? The ?m?l?????’ ?t?tu? within the ?rg?niz?ti?n should b? f?mili?r and retained.Interpersonal r?l?ti?n? Th? r?l?ti?n?hi? ?f th? employees with hi? ???r?, superiors ?nd ?ub?rdin?t?? ?h?uld b? ???r??ri?t? ?nd ?????t?bl?. Th?r? should b? n? ??nfli?t or humiliation element present.Job S??urit? Th? ?rg?niz?ti?n must ?r?vid? job ? ??urit? to th? ?m?l?????.H?rzb?rg? r????r?h identified that tru? m?tiv?t?r? w?r? ?th?r ??m?l?t?l? diff?r?nt factors, n?t?bl?:Recognition The ?m?l????? ?h?uld b? ?r?i??d and r???gniz?d for th?ir ????m?li?hm?nt? b? the managers.Sense of ??hi?v?m?nt The ?m?l????? mu?t have a ??n?? ?f achievement. Thi? d???nd? ?n th? job. Th?r? mu?t b? a fruit ?f some ??rt in th? job.Growth ?nd ?r?m?ti?n?l opportunities Th?r? mu?t be growth ?nd ?dv?n??m?nt ????rtuniti?? in an organization t? m?tiv?t? th? ?m?l????? t? ??rf?rm w?ll.Responsibility The employees mu?t hold themselves responsible f?r the work. Th? m?n?g?r? ?h?uld giv? them ?wn?r?hi? ?f the w?rk. Th?? should minimize ??ntr?l but r?t?in ????unt?bilit?.M??ningfuln??? of th? w?rk Th? w?rk it??lf ?h?uld b? m??ningful, int?r??ting and ?h?ll?nging for th? ?m?l???? to perform and t? get m?tiv?t?d.FACTORS F?R S?TI?F??TI?N â€" M?TIV?TI?N?LM?tiv?t?r f??t?r? emerge fr?m th? n??d ?f ?n individual t? ??hi?v? personal growth. J?b satisfaction results f rom th? presence ?f m?tiv?t?r factors.Moreover, ?ff??tiv? motivator f??t?r? do n?t ?nl? l??d to j?b ??ti?f??ti?n, but ?l?? t? b?tt?r ??rf?rm?n?? ?t work. The m?tiv?t?r factors are:Challenging ?r ?timul?ting w?rkStatusOpportunity f?r ?dv?n??m?ntR????n?ibilit?S?n?? of personal gr?wth/j?b achievementA??uiring recognitionM?tiv?ti?n?l f??t?r? ?r? th??? th?t d??l with th? metric ?f ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd ?r? th??? f??t?r? that positively ??t f?r and ensures satisfaction ?r motivation ?v?r a stretch ?f tim?.These f??t?r? d? n?t deal with the m?tri? of di???ti?f??ti?n. The motivational f??t?r? ?r? those whi?h ?ll?w for in?r????d ??rf?rm?n?? of the ?m?l?????. Th??? f??t?r? ?r? more intrinsic in n?tur? whil? th? h?gi?n? factors ?r? more ?r l??? ?xtrin?i?.H? laid ?ut 6 im??rt?nt f??t?r? ?? m?tiv?ti?n?l f??t?r? ?nd in th?ir ?rd?r ?f im??rt?n??, th?? ?r? Achievements, Recognition, the Nature ?f th? w?rk, R????n?ibilit?, Advancement ?nd Gr?wth.An ?m?l???? if h? i? r???gniz?d b? let’s say employee ?f the ???r for the h?rd w?rk h? has put in, th?n that ?m?l???? him??lf will b? satisfied ?nd will be m?tiv?t?d.There ?r? num?r?u? f??t?r? whi?h can m?tiv?t? ?m?l????? ?? id?ntifi?d in thi? th??r?.Th? f??t?r? commonly ?b??rv?d that ???itiv?l? influence satisfaction called M?tiv?t?r? in?lud? w?rk n?tur?, r???gniti?n t? ?n?’? ??hi?v?m?nt, ?dv?n??m?nt opportunities, r????n?ibilit?, ??n?? ?f importance, ?nd inclusion in d??i?i?n-m?king process.F??T?R? F?R DISSATISFACTION â€" HYGIENEHygiene f??t?r? are th??? th?t n??d t? be ?ddr????d by a bu?in??? in such a way th?t they w?uld n?t r??ult t? th? ?m?l????’? un?l????nt ?x??ri?n??? and f??ling? ?t w?rk.Th? ??ti?f??ti?n ?f hygiene factors motivates ?m?l????? in their work. Th? h?gi?n? f??t?r? are:Wages, ??l?ri?? ?nd ?th?r financial r?mun?r?ti?nC?m??n? ??li?? and administrationQu?lit? ?f int?r??r??n?l r?l?ti?n?W?rking ??nditi?n?Feelings of job ???urit?Qu?lit? ?f supervisionHygiene factors referred t? those job f??t?r? th?t d??? n?t ???itiv?l? ?n?ur? satisfaction ?r motivation ?v?r a ?tr?t?h ?f tim?, but ?r? th??? f??t?r? wh?n ?b??nt causes di???ti?f??ti?n ?nd lowering ?f m?r?l?.These f??t?r? ?r? n?t ???itiv? actors ?ll?wing for increased motivation but are positive reasons wh? ?n employee should n?t b? di???ti?fi?d with hi? job. Th??? factors ?r? ?l?? known ?? Di???ti?fi?r? or Maintenance F??t?r? because ?f th? f??t that it dealt with th? metric ?f di???ti?f??ti?n.H? l?id d?wn six im??rt?nt hygiene f??t?r in t?rm? ?f it? im??rt?n?? ?? C?m??n? P?li??, Su??rvi?i?n, Relationship with the B???, Work C?nditi?n?, Salary ?nd R?l?ti?n?hi? with ???r?.For in?t?n??, if the bu?in??? h?d a very rigid ?nd un????mm?d?ting ??m??n? ??li?? it meant di???ti?f??ti?n wh?r??? a company policy fl?xibl? enough t? giv? br??thing space did n?t ??u?? di???ti?f??ti?n.Simil?rl?, ???ur? work ??nditi?n? meant no di???ti?f??ti?n and d?ng?r?u? and un??f? ?n?? m??nt di???ti?f??ti?n.Th?r? ?r? ????r?ntl? more r????n? ??u?ing di???ti?f??ti?n th?n ??ti?f??t i?n.F??t?r? ??mm?nl? observed th?t cause di???ti?f??ti?n ?? ??r the th??r? ?nd ?r? called Hygiene include unf?ir ??m??n? ??li?i??, r?l?ti?n?hi? with ?u??rvi??r, mi?r? management, ??m??n??ti?n, working ??nditi?n?, ???r ??t, j?b ???urit?, ?t?tu? etc. B?th f??t?r? ?r? independent ?f ???h otherIt ?h?uld b? n?t?d that ?? ??r th? tw?-f??t?r th??r?, ?b?v? ?t?t?d factors ?f ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd dissatisfaction ??t ind???nd?ntl? ?nd ?b??n?? ?f one d??? n?t lead t? th? ?r???n?? ?f ?n?th?r.For instance, the absence ?f r????n?ibilit? d??? n?t l??d to dissatisfaction; it i? just n?t a ?t?t? ?f ??ti?f??ti?n. And th? ?b??n?? ?f unf?ir company policies d??? n?t l??d t? ??ti?f??ti?n, it i? simply n?t b?ing di???ti?fi?d.C?mbin?ti?n? ?f M?tiv?t?r? and H?gi?n? factorsSimple combinations ?f M?tiv?t?r? ?nd H?gi?n? factors ??n produce a useful m?trix gauging motivation ?f ?n employee and ?ub???u?ntl? success f?r a firm.F?ll?wing is the ??t of th??? ????ibl? ??mbin?ti?n?:High Motivation ?nd High H?gi?n?: A? so unds, it i? ?n id?lli? ??mbin?ti?n, ?nd ?v?r??n? would want t? achieve this. From ?n organization ??r????tiv?, it r??ult? in high motivation and l?w complaints ?m?ng?t ?m?l?????.High M?tiv?ti?n ?nd L?w Hygiene: Employees ?r? significantly m?tiv?t?d but ?till pose num?r?u? complaints. F?r in?t?n??, consider a job whi?h i? ?h?ll?nging ?nd r?w?rding but policies ?nd work ??nditi?n? are n?t well ?????t?d.L?w M?tiv?ti?n and High Hygiene: In ?u?h ?itu?ti?n?, employees ?r? happy doing th?ir j?b, ??rning ??l?ri?? ?t th? end ?f the day but lack th? d??ir? t? t?k? initiatives ?nd m?rk a diff?r?n?? f?r th?ir ?rg?niz?ti?n. Th? job i? synonymous to a ??? check.L?w M?tiv?ti?n ?nd L?w Hygiene: W?r?t ???iti?n t? be in f?r any organization. This can b? ??m??r?d t? a sight ?f failing ?rg?niz?ti?n r?du?ing it? ?r???n?? ?nd ???r?ti?n?, while ?v?r? employee i? l??king out f?r ?r??ti??ll? no in??ntiv? t? w?rk.To ?umm?riz? the Tw?-f??t?r th??r?;Intrinsic ?r satisfiers (m?tiv?ti?n?l) f??t?r?, ?u?h as advan cement, r???gniti?n, responsibility, and achievement seem t? b? related t? j?b satisfaction.Dissatisfied r????nd?nt? t?nd?d t? ?it? extrinsic ?r h?gi?n? (m?int?n?n??) factors, ?u?h as ?u??rvi?i?n, ???, ??m??n? policies, ?nd w?rking conditions.The opposite ?f ??ti?f??ti?n i? n?t di???ti?f??ti?n.Removing dissatisfying ?h?r??t?ri?ti?? fr?m a j?b d??? n?t necessarily m?k? th? job ??ti?f?ing.Job ??ti?f??ti?n f??t?r? ?r? separate ?nd distinct from job di???ti?f??ti?n factors. M?n?g?r? wh? ?limin?t? job dissatisfaction f??t?r? may n?t n??????ril? bring about m?tiv?ti?n.When hygiene f??t?r? ?r? adequate, ????l? will n?t b? di???ti?fi?d; n?ith?r will th?? b? ??ti?fi?d. T? m?tiv?t? ????l?, ?m?h??iz? f??t?r? intrin?i??ll? r?w?rding that are ?????i?t?d with th? work itself ?r to outcomes dir??tl? d?riv?d fr?m it.LIMIT?TI?N? ?F HERZBERG’S TH??R? ?R? QUITE ??RI?U?S?m? of th? major limit?ti?n? ?f this theory ?r?:Thi? theory i? based ?n a ?m?ll ??m?l?. It i? risky and unwi?? t? d?riv? g?n?r?liz?t i?n? fr?m the conclusions ?f a limit?d r????r?h project.Th? research sample, which i? the basis ?f thi? th??r?; i? t?k?n from a ri?h ??untr?; whi?h i? n?t r??r???nt?tiv? ?f behaviour ?f people in ?ll countries. F?r example, m?n?? which is not a m?tiv?t?r in ri?h ??untri??; is a v?r? powerful motivator for ????l? ?f ???r ??untri??.In f??t, in th? interviewing t??hni?u?, m??t often, ????l? t?ll what interviewers lik? t? h??r r?th?r th?n wh?t th?? r??ll? f??l about various things.On? ?f th? m?int?n?n?? (?r h?gi?n?) factors m?nti?n?d b? H?rzb?rg is ??r??n? lif?. What m?n?g?m?nt ??n do ?b?ut th? personal life ?f an individu?l; is r??ll? subject t? ?ffi?i?l ??n?tr?int?, ?ut on m?n?g?r? b? th? ?rg?ni??ti?n.Th?r? is ?n element of ?v?rl???ing in Herzberg’s th??r?. For example, in the ??t?g?r? of m?tiv?ti?n?l f??t?r?, ‘advancement’ ?nd ‘????rtuniti?? for gr?wth’ ?lm??t convey th? same ??nn?t?ti?n.CRITICISM ?F HERZBERG’S TWO FACTOR THEORYH?rzb?rg’? th??r? h??, however, b??n ?riti ?iz?d by m?n? ?uth?r?. The criticism ?f the th??r? i? based ?n th? f?ll?wing ??int?.The f??t?r? l??ding t? ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd di???ti?f??ti?n ?r? not r??ll? different from each ?th?r. It h?? been ??nt?nd?d that ??hi?v?m?nt, recognition, ?nd responsibility ?r? im??rt?nt f?r b?th ??ti?f??ti?n and di???ti?f??ti?n, whil? such dim?n?i?n? ?? security, ??l?r?, ?nd working ??nditi?n? ?r? less im??rt?nt;Th? two f??t?r th??r? i? ?n ?v?r-?im?lifi??ti?n ?f the tru? r?l?ti?n?hi? between motivation and di???ti?f??ti?n. Several studies ?h?w?d th?t one f??t?r ??n ??u?? job ??ti?f??ti?n f?r one person ?nd job dissatisfaction f?r another.H?rzb?rg’? inference r?g?rding diff?r?n??? between satisfiers and m?tiv?t?r? ??nn?t b? completely ?????t?d. P???l? generally attribute the ??u??? of ??ti?f??ti?n t? their ?wn ??hi?v?m?nt?. But more likely th?? ?ttribut? their dissatisfaction to obstacles ?r???nt?d by company’s ??li?i?? ?r ?u??ri?r? than t? th?ir d?fi?i?n?i??.Though H?rzb?rg’? th??r? h?? m?t sever e criticism, it has ???t a n?w light ?n th? content ?f work m?tiv?ti?n. It h?? ??ntribut?d ?ub?t?nti?ll? t? M??l?w‘? id??? ?nd m?d? them m?r? ???li??bl? t? th? work situation. It has also ??ntribut?d t? j?b design technique ?r j?b enrichment.Regardless ?f criticisms, H?rzb?rg’? theory has b??n wid?l? read, and few m?n?g?r? are unfamiliar with hi? r???mm?nd?ti?n?.The ???ul?rit? ?f v?rti??ll? expanding j?b? to ?ll?w w?rk?r? gr??t?r responsibility ??n ?r?b?bl? be ?ttribut?d to H?rzb?rg’? finding?.Th? disadvantages are th?t H?rzb?rg? m?d?l i? m?r? ?f a g?n?r?liz?ti?n that m?? n?t b? appropriate to all gr?u?? of ?m?l????? ?r individuals within a group. H?rzb?rg b???d his theory on int?rvi?w? with accountants ?nd ?ngin??r?.Hi? findings ?r? not necessarily dir??tl? ???li??bl? t? v??tl? diff?r?nt ?m?l???? gr?u??. H?url? ?m?l????? may not b? ??rti?ul?rl? interested in j?b ?nl?rg?m?nt and ?nri?hm?nt, ?nd may b? m?r? m?tiv?t?d by increased pay.S?m? ?m?l????? m?? b? m?r? m?tiv?t?d b? fl?x ibl? work arrangements.Additi?n?ll?, too mu?h of a g??d thing can be b?d: giving an ?m?l???? r????n?ibilit? th?? ?r? n?t ?r???r?d for ??n b? overwhelming ?nd become a de-motivator.TH? ?DV?NT?G??Th? ?dv?nt?g?? ?f H?rzb?rg? th??r? i? in id?ntif?ing th?t there are factors that in general will m?tiv?t? ?nd d?-m?tiv?t? groups of ?m?l?????, ??m? of whi?h are in th? ??ntr?l of m?n?g?r? (lik? level of r????n?ibilit? ?nd w?rking conditions) and ??m? whi?h ?r? outside ?f th?ir ??ntr?l (lik? ??r??n?l lif?).H?rzb?rg? model ??n be u??d t? id?ntif? br??d issues th?t need to be ?ddr????d or mitig?t?d in general.F?r example, in an environment wh?r? employees are un?ur? ?f th?ir job security, m?n?g?r? ??n tr? to mitig?t? the d?-m?tiv?ting ?ff??t b? ?r?viding ???n ??mmuni??ti?n, ?nd b? reassuring ?m?l????? ?b?ut the situation.IN ??R????TIV?H?rzb?rg? ideas h?v? ?r?v?d v?r? dur?bl?. Hi? work ??n b? ???n in ??mm?n with th?t of Elt?n M??? (kn?wn f?r th? H?wth?rn? Ex??rim?nt?), ?f Abr?h?m Maslow (d?v?l?? ?r of the hi?r?r?h? ?f n??d?) ?nd ?f Douglas McGregor (?r??t?r ?f Theory X ?nd Th??r? Y) ?? a r???ti?n t? F W T??l?r? Scientific M?n?g?m?nt th??ri??.These last f??u??d ?n t??hni?u?? whi?h ??uld b? u??d to m?ximi?? th? ?r?du?tivit? ?f m?nu?l workers and ?n th? separation of mental ?nd ?h??i??l w?rk b?tw??n m?n?g?m?nt ?nd workers.In ??ntr??t, H?rzb?rg ?nd hi? ??nt?m??r?ri?? b?li?v?d that w?rk?r? wanted th? ????rtunit? t? f??l part ?f a t??m and to grow ?nd d?v?l??.Although Herzbergs th??r? i? n?t highl? r?g?rd?d by ????h?l?gi?t? t?d??, managers h?v? f?und in it u??ful guidelines for action. Its b??i? tenets ?r? ???? t? und?r?t?nd ?nd ??n be applied t? ?ll t???? of ?rg?ni??ti?n.Furth?rm?r?, it appears t? ?u???rt th? ???iti?n ?nd influ?n?? ?f m?n?g?m?nt. It has b??n n?t?d th?t links b?tw??n m?tiv?ti?n ?nd ?r?du?tivit? are beyond the scope of Herzberg’s w?rk, and th? usefulness of motivating f??t?r? from th? ??r????tiv? ?f management may d???nd upon proving thi? r?l?ti?n?hi?, as other ?uth?r? h?v? tri?d t? d?.Th? theorys impact h?? been seen on r?w?rd systems, fir?tl? in a move away from ???m?nt-b?-r??ult? systems ?nd today in th? gr?wing ?r???rti?n of ??f?t?ri? b?n?fit? ??h?m??, whi?h ?ll?w individual employees to ?h???? the fring? b?n?fit? whi?h best ?uit th?m.Job ?nri?hm?nt w?? more th??ri??d about than ?ut int? ?r??ti??. Many schemes whi?h w?r? tri?d r??ult?d only in cosmetic changes or led t? d?m?nd? f?r in?r????d w?rk?r control ?nd w?r? therefore t?rmin?t?d.N?w?d??? th? ??n???t is m?r? ?n? of people enrichment, although thi? ?till ?w?? much to Herzbergs original w?rk.Hi? gr??t??t contribution h?? b??n th? knowledge th?t motivation ??m?? fr?m within th? individu?l; it ??nn?t b? im????d b? ?n organisation ????rding t? ??m? formula.M?n? ?f t?d??? tr?nd? ??r??r m?n?g?m?nt, ??lf-m?n?g?d learning, and ?m??w?rm?nt h?v? a b??i? in H?rzb?rg? in?ight?.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Biography of Joseph Louis Lagrange, Mathematician

Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736–1813) is considered to be one of the greatest mathematicians in history. Born in Italy, he made his home in France before, during, and after the French Revolution. His most important contributions to modern mathematics related to number theory and celestial mechanics, and analytic mechanics; his 1788 book Analytic Mechanics is the foundation for all later work in the field. Fast Facts: Joseph-Louis Lagrange Known For: Major contributions to mathematicsAlso Known As: Giuseppe Lodovico LagrangiaBorn: January 25, 1736 in Turin,  Piedmont-Sardinia (present-day Italy)Parents: Giuseppe Francesco Lodovico Lagrangia, Maria Teresa GrossoDied: April 10, 1813 in Paris,  FranceEducation: University of TurinPublished Works:  Letter to Giulio Carlo da Fagnano, Analytical Mechanics, Miscellany of Philosophy and Mathematics, Mà ©langes de Philosophie et de Mathà ©matique, Essai sur le Problà ¨me des Trois CorpsAwards and Honors:  Member of the Berlin Academy, Fellow of the  Royal Society of Edinburgh, foreign member of the  Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Grand Officer of Napoleons  Legion of Honour  and a  Count of the Empire, Grand Croix of the  Ordre Impà ©rial de la Rà ©union, 1764 prize of the  French Academy of Sciences  for his memoir on the  libration  of the Moon, commemorated on a plaque in the  Eiffel Tower, namesake for the  lunar crater  LagrangeSp ouse(s): Vittoria Conti, Renà ©e-Franà §oise-Adà ©laà ¯de Le MonnierNotable Quote: I will deduce the complete mechanics of solid and fluid bodies using the principle of least action. Early Life Joseph Louis Lagrange was born in Turin, the capital of the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia, to a well-to-do family on January 25, 1736. His father was treasurer of the Office of Public Works and Fortifications in Turin, but he lost his fortune as a result of bad investments. Young Joseph was intended to be a lawyer and attended the University of Turin with that goal; it wasnt until the age of 17 that he became interested in mathematics. His interest was piqued by a paper he came across by the astronomer Edmond Halley, and, entirely on his own, Lagrange dove into mathematics. In just a year, his course of self-study was so successful that he was appointed to be an assistant professor of mathematics at the Royal Military Academy. There, he taught courses in calculus and mechanics until it became clear that he was a poor educator (though a highly talented theorist). At the age of 19, Lagrange wrote to Leonhard Euler, the worlds greatest mathematician, describing his new ideas for calculus. Euler was so impressed that he recommended Lagrange for membership in the Berlin Academy at the extraordinarily young age of 20. Euler and Lagrange continued their correspondence and, as a result, the two collaborated on developing the calculus of variations. Before leaving Turin, Lagrange and friends founded the Turin Private Society, an organization intended to support pure research. The Society soon began publishing its own journal and, in 1783, it became the Turin Royal Academy of Sciences. During his time at the Society, Lagrange began applying his new ideas to several areas of mathematics: The theory of sound propagation.The theory and notation of the calculus of variations, solutions to dynamics problems, and deduction of the principle of least action.Solutions to dynamics problems such as the motion of three bodies mutually attracted by gravity. Work in Berlin Leaving Turin in 1766, Lagrange went to Berlin to fill a position recently vacated by Euler. The invitation came from Frederick the Great, who believed Lagrange to be the greatest mathematician in Europe. Lagrange spent 20 years living and working in Berlin. Though his health was sometimes precarious, he was extremely prolific. During this time he developed new theories about the three-body problem in astronomy, differential equations, probability, mechanics, and the stability of the solar system. His groundbreaking 1770 publication, Reflections on the Algebraic Resolution of Equations† launched a new branch of algebra. Work in Paris When his wife passed away and his patron Frederick the Great died, Lagrange accepted an invitation to Paris extended by Louis XVI. The invitation included luxurious rooms at the Louvre as well as every type of financial and professional support. Depressed because of his wifes death, he soon found himself married again to a much younger woman who found the gentle mathematician fascinating. While in Paris, LaGrange published Analytical Mechanics, an astonishing treatise and a still-classic mathematics text, which synthesized 100 years of research in mechanics since Newton, and led to the Lagrangian equations, which detailed and defined the differences between kinetic and potential energies. Lagrange was in Paris when the French Revolution began in 1789. Four years later, he became the head of the revolutionary weights and measures commission and helped establish the metric system. While Lagrange continued as a successful mathematician, the chemist Lavoisier (who had worked on the same commission) was guillotined. As the revolution came to a close, Lagrange became a professor of mathematics at the École Centrale des Travaux Publics (later renamed the  Ãƒâ€°cole Polytechnique), where he continued his theoretical work on calculus. When Napoleon came into power, he, too honored Lagrange. Before his death, the mathematician became a senator and count of the empire. Contributions Most Significant Contributions and Publications Lagranges most important publication was The Mà ©canique Analytique, his monumental work in pure math.His most prominent influence was his contribution to the metric system and his addition of a decimal base, which is in place largely due to his plan. Some refer to Lagrange as the founder of the Metric System.Lagrange is also known for doing a great deal of work on planetary motion. He was responsible for developing the groundwork for an alternate method of writing Newtons Equations of Motion, referred to as Lagrangian Mechanics. In 1772, he described the Lagrangian points, the points in the plane of two objects in orbit around their common center of gravity at which the combined gravitational forces are zero and where a third particle of negligible mass can remain at rest. This is why Lagrange is referred to as an astronomer/mathematician.The Lagrangian Polynomial is the easiest way to find a curve through points. Death Lagrange died in Paris in 1813 during the process of revising Analytical Mechanics. He was buried in the Panthà ©on in Paris.   Legacy Lagrange left behind an incredible array of mathematical tools, discoveries, and ideas which have had a profound impact on modern theoretical and applied calculus, algebra, mechanics, physics, and astronomy. Sources . Joseph Louis Lagrange | A Short Account of the History of MathematicsUniversity of South Florida.Joseph-Louis Lagrange. Famous Scientists.Joseph-Louis Lagrange., Dirk Jan. â€Å"Joseph-Louis Lagrange, Comte De LEmpire.†Ã‚  Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 18 Apr. 2019.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Pairs in Brontë’s Wuthering Heights - 1836 Words

Throughout Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontà « presents and develops several pairs of characters, ideas, and locations that work both together and in contrast to each other, such as the temporal, and perhaps most obvious, juxtaposition of the two properties Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. Within these locations emerge three distinct character pairs, tied together by the similar type of relationship upon which each is based: a brother and sister connection, although not necessarily one defined by genetics. These three pairings include narrator Nelly Dean and Hindley Earnshaw, Cathy Earnshaw and Heathcliff, and Isabella and Edgar Linton. Each relationship is unique: Nelly and Hindley are both nursed by Nelly’s mother and are raised†¦show more content†¦While Nelly never develops a very deep connection with or strong positive feelings towards Heathcliff, she does cease in her maltreatment of him, leaving Hindley alone in acting upon his hatred of Heathcliff. This seems to weaken the connection between the pairing of Nelly and Hindley, and with Nelly acting as a neutral agent, the brother-sister bond between Cathy and Heathcliff essentially triumphs within this household. As Mr. Earnshaw grows older and weaker and Hindley continues to antagonize Heathcliff, the curate suggests that Hindley be sent away to attend college, thus marking the first separation the pair of Nelly and Hindley experience (32). With this pair no longer present at Wuthering Heights, the bond between Cathy and Heathcliff grows ever stronger until Hindley returns to attend Mr. Earnshaw’s funeral. When Hindley comes back, he arrives with a young, childish wife, Frances. This newly constructed pair of husband and wife appears to further disintegrate the brother-sister connection Nelly and Hindley had at one point, and their relationship is more fully established as that of master-servant. In her storytelling to Lockwood, Nelly explains that the day he retur ned, Hindley mandated that she and Joseph, the Earnshaw’s man-servant, were forced to â€Å"thenceforth quarter [them]selves in the back-kitchen, and leave the house for him† (36). Hindley’s hatred forShow MoreRelatedThe Marxist Mirror Of Emily Bronte s Wuthering Heights 1010 Words   |  5 Pagesguideline for individuals in society, dependent on their social, political, economic beliefs. These issues which juxtaposed capitalism and fundamentally demanded equality, were extremely prevalent throughout Emily Bronte’s life, which occurred during the 19th century. The novel ‘Wuthering Heights’ which was written by Bronte, was published a paltry three months before ‘The Communist Manifesto’ was initially released. 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Things have changed dramatically since the old days, but you can still find examples today that could be related into the themes that are still evident in todays readings of Shakespeare’s plays. Shakespeare s Macbeth and Bronte’s Wuthering Heights are presented through sexism, jealousy and betrayal. Now a days in current relationships women do have some sort of controlling power over men. Relationships have came a long ways since the Shakespearean era (1600s). In Macbeth there isRead More Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights1668 Words   |  7 Pages Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights Emily Jane Bronte, the author of Wuthering heights, was born on July 30, 1818. She was the fifth of six children of Patrick and Maria Bronte and the family moved to their house in Haworth(where Emily would remain for most of her life), with her family having a great influence on her life and work. During her life she encountered a great deal of death, firstly when her mother died of stomach cancer in September of 1821, leaving EmilysRead MoreHow does Emily Bronte use Gothic elements to enhance the novel ‘Wuthering Heights’? Discuss how Daphne Du Maurier’s ‘Jamaica Inn’ illuminates this.2086 Words   |  9 PagesEmily Bronte use Gothic elements to enhance the novel ‘Wuthering Heights’? Discuss how Daphne Du Maurier’s ‘Jamaica Inn’ illuminates this. In the Victorian era we saw the revival of gothic literature; it fictionalised contemporary fears such as ethical degeneration, unmediated spiritual beliefs against a stern religious faith and also questioned the social structure of the time. Although written almost 100 years apart both Wuthering Heights and Jamaica Inn share many themes and components. Both

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay Remember the Titans Rhetorical Analysis - 977 Words

Multicolored Dream In the movie Remember the Titans Coach Boone gives a speech on the battle ground of Gettysburg. Coach Boone was hired and made head coach over the nominated Hall of Fame Coach Yoast. Racial tensions were building between team members because their school, T.C. Williams became integrated. His team of football players had a problem with open prejudice and hostility between the black and white players. After a day of bad practice, Coach Boone took his team out for a run in the middle of the night through the forest to deal with the issue. When the players were finally given a chance to breathe they realized that they were at the Civil War battle ground of Gettysburg. He utilizes his strong demeanor and gives a speech†¦show more content†¦The strong imagery paints a picture of the battlefield and draws a connection between the past and present leaving the football players with a feeling of loss. In the beginning of the movie, Coach Boone had to build ethos for himself because of racial differences. Coach Boone, being of African American descent, was hired over their current caucasian coach and this caused the white football players to boycott the team until Coach Yoast became their assistant coach. Coach Boone lead his team by example and his dedication to his craft. He showed the players that he did not care about what color you wore on your skin, but of the sport that brought them together. During his speech he states â€Å"I don’t care if you like each other or not. But you will respect each other. And maybe, I don’t know, maybe we’ll learn to play this game like men† (Boone). He uses the built trust aspect of ethos very well to close this speech. Another aspect of ethos Coach Boone used in his speech was borrowed credibility from Gettysburg. Towards the end of the speech he told the boys to â€Å"take a lesson from the dead† (Boone) and realize that if they do not stop these actions of hostility tow ards each other they will not be able to move forward as a team. The Civil War, and the Civil Rights Movement were turning points in American history and he used facts about the battle to build his ethos. Racial differences were still strong during the 1970s and if it wereShow MoreRelatedMoral And Rhetorical Analysis Of Remember The Titans913 Words   |  4 Pagesthe moral/ethical issues and dilemmas in a non-literary text to understand how the director and writer uses texts structures, language and visual feature to influence viewers. The source that will be analysed within this speech is ‘Remember the titans†. Remember the titans is a 2000 American sports film directed by Boaz Yakin. It follows the real life journey of a newly appointed African American coach and a high school team on their first season as a racially diverse unit. Throughout their journeyRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Chan ge Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pageslamentable. Taken together, the key themes and processes that have been selected as the focus for each of the eight essays provide a way to conceptualize the twentieth century as a coherent unit for teaching, as well as for written narrative and analysis. Though they do not exhaust the crucial strands of historical development that tie the century together—one could add, for example, nationalism and decolonization—they cover in depth the defining phenomena of that epoch, which, as the essays demonstrate

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

International Managing Across Borders

Question: Discuss about the International Managing Across Borders. Answer: Introduction With increasing business opportunities, companies expand their business to international markets from national boundaries, it help them in gaining higher profit, access to larger market and customer base. Internationalization aims to expand business opportunities by lending and capturing foreign market. In the past few years there had been tremendous growth in global FDI through various modes such as investment, exporting, join ventures, mergers, acquisitions that are adopted by firms for market entry. Though internationalization is a desired strategy by every organization but it has its own challenges, operating cross border include several management, strategic and human resource challenges. This paper aims to present analysis on internationalization strategy of BMW, a globally operating automotive company. This paper deals in internationalization strategy of BMW in Singapore. It includes analysis on the company, its overview, operating scenario, competitive strategy, organizational structure, design, and control. Further, focus is on internationalization entry strategy opted by the firm, followed by other strategies used to operate successfully in international market, it include human resource, supply chain, production strategies. This paper presents overall strategic actions adopted by BMW to operate successfully in Singapore market, issues and opportunities presents; further strategic recommendation is also provided to take corrective action for future growth and development. Overview of the company This paper is written in context of international business strategies of Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, commonly known as BMW. It was founded in the year 1916 by three founders, namely Franz Josef Popp, Karl Rapp, Camillo Castiglioni. It was originated in Germany as luxury vehicle, motorcycle and engine manufacturing organization. It is a globally operative automotive company that deals in luxury vehicles, sports car, motor cycles and bicycles. In terms of operations in the year 2015, total output by the company was 2,430,507 vehicles that helped in earning revenue worth 92.175billion and profit worth 6.396billion. It is among to ten automotive companies worldwide. Mission of this company is to generate profitable growth and above average returns. Current operating position BMW initiated its export program in the year 1995 with market entry in Australia through export of 500 BMW 3 series vehicles; followed by Taiwan and South America in 1997. Further, it started exporting to Germany, UK, South America, North America, Australia, Taiwan, Japan and other Asian region from South Africa. Within a year, its overall production increased by 220 percent; followed by a capacity enhancement and production growth. In the year 1997 total export figure by the brand were 500 units which reached to 70000 by 2012 (, 2015). In terms of sales, 21 percent sales are in USA market, 24 percent in EUROPE market, 21 percent Germany, 14 percent India, 7 percent China and 11 percent in other markets (BMW group, 2016). However, in the year 2016 there is 8 percent decrease in total sales of BMW in USA, as total sales recorded was 25,531 compared to 27,755 vehicles sold in August, 2015 (, 2016). There is also 2.7 percent reduction in sales of mini br and. However, in global market, total sales is showing upward trend by 5.3 percent; total annual sales was 2,367,603 vehicles; sales of mini brand was 360,000 vehicles and 62000 electrified vehicles, majority of sales were in Europe and China(, 2017). Competitive strategy To beat competition organizations tries to build unique positions for themselves which is also known as competitive advantage; it is the factor that helps a company to gain edge over others in the market (Fahy, 2002). Competitive strategy involves actions implemented by organization to strengthen their market position and protect it in market of constant change (Harrison John, 2009). On the basis of porter generic model of competitive advantage, BMW focuses on differentiation strategy, it portray itself on the basis of different quality, excellence on product design and digitalization. It has strong technological expertise; it is been able to integrate its engineering capabilities and marketing opportunities successfully. BMW portray its offering as symbol of prestige, upmarket, excellence image. In the year 2013, BMW launched its fully electronic car BMWi3 followed by plug in hybrid vehicle in 2014 named as i8. BMW faces intense competition from Japanese market, to protect its posi tion it implements four different type of differentiation, it include customization of cars according to customer needs and demand; safety, environment, economy and comfort at ensured in every model sold; strategically located warehouse and centralized supply chain helped in gaining economies of scale; it also launched fleet of specially equipped cars to provide assistance to motorist in breakdown situations (Thompson Martin, 2010). Analysis also highlights four strategic areas that helped BMW in gaining its competitive position include growth, shaping of future, profitability and focus on technology and customers (Kuma, 2016). Organizational design structure and control Organization structure and design help in defining overall work activities within organization, it plays significant role in manufacturing industry. It helps in understanding division of labor, pattern of coordination, flow of communication, workflow, and power distribution. Further, key elements that help in understanding impact of organizational design on its work efficiency include span of control, degree of formalization, centralization and structure. BMW operates as a boundary less organization, it enhance the interdependence on environment (Robbins, Decenzo, Bhattacharya, Agarwal, 2009). There is flatter organizational structure with low hierarchical and power distance relationship. In BMW there is intense use of softwares and computer aided virtual tools to coordinate work in different units. In terms of business structure, it follows network approach in which it operates as a hub organization that own and market the brand, whereas other units in different countries operates as spokes that provide production, engineering, marketing and other services through alliance with several organization to gain economies of scale. It has outsourced its facilities management function to Dalkia (, 2015). Organization stricture and design strategy of BMW helped it in becoming globally competitive by purchasing from global market from best people, best technology at best price. Organizational control is key element to ensure effective management and execution of operating functions; it deals with assigning and evaluating resources. There is supervisory board that manages centralized decision making with 20 members; it is divided into four committees that include personnel, audit, mediation and nomination. After this, there is board of management which is responsible for six functions that include Legal Affairs, Patents, Corporate and Governmental Affairs, Corporate Audit, Organizational Development, Group Reporting, Corporate HR, Strategy and Targets (McFarlin Sweeney, 2014). Entry strategies There are several internationalization strategies that can be adopted by organization; however choice of strategy varies on the basis of internal and external organization scenario, industry scenario, objective and set goals. BMW adopted different market entry strategies, but common adopted one is joint venture, this strategy helped in signing alliance with one or more companies to operate in the market, it helps in dividing resources, risk and profitability. Joint venture with local partner helps in pulling local resources at low investment, it also help in getting information about local market and customers, better understanding of product demand (Dutta, 2016). BMW has adopted transnational strategy, which is merger of multi-domestic and global strategy; it is aimed towards achieving global efficiency, economies of scale but through local responsiveness. BMW implemented the concept of fashion forward during its designing of 3 Series cars for different market; similar design in the global market helped in building trust and customer loyalty. In Asian market, BMW entered through joint venture by signing deals with local partners, in Malaysia it signed joint venture with Sime darby berhad, in China also similar strategy was followed. Singapore is the Asia corporate head office; here company has a wholly owned sales subsidiary, this unit is responsible for management of importation of knockdown parts by wholly owned assembly plants. Munich Automobiles Pte Ltd is the exclusive BMW dealer in Singapore (Singapore genrman chamber of industry and commerce, 2015). Production BMW global production network helps in supplying products in different markets, its production strategy helped in achieving on time and flexible production process; there are thirty manufacturing facilities in fourteen countries (, 2016). BMW has adopted completely knockdown approach of production process (Grnig Morschett, 2011). Under this strategy, few parts of the final product are packed and exported to countries for assembly. These parts are used with parts supplied with local partners in the country where assembly will take place; however assembly take place in adherence with global quality standards set by BMW group. This strategy is being used for production in Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Russia and India. Initially company use to implement mass production but strategy shifted slowly towards lean manufacturing(Grnig Morschett, 2011). Initially manual work load planning was conducted; long term strategic planning is followed in BMW, it prepares a 12 year planning process, and then includes a yearly breakdown, it forecast salesman products before starting the production process. Later since 2002, strategic changes were made and lean manufacturing was adopted. General guidelines are set by managers on flexibility reserve to ensure flexibility in production volume; it helps in dealing with long term uncertainties. It also implemented build to order strategy to provide maximum customization liberty to customer and also reduce inventory. Supply chain management Supply chain management is the key element of any business success; it deals with initiation to closing of production process. BMW follows build to order strategy; products are made according to customer requirement(Blanchard, 2007). At first customer request is made and sent to central database, which include complete details on customer preference. Further information on cost and lead time is communicated on real time basis among supplier, manufacturer and distributors(Chandak, Chandak, Sharma, 2014). Key elements of the supply chain are discussed below; BMW has a strong global supplier network that help in creating value and efficiency in the supply chain process, it has 13000 suppliers in seventy countries. Purchasing department is responsible for selection and management of supplied goods (, 2015). It is managed with coordination between central purchasing headquarter in Munich and various international purchasing offices responsible for analyzing local production needs and product availability with local suppliers. Purchase department is responsible for reducing supply chain risk and utilization of opportunities. Next step in supply chain is sourcing of materials, to overcome the problem of exchange rate fluctuation, BMW implements natural hedging strategy; it generally establishes assembly units where they sell their products. It also opts for local sourcing strategy in which components are purchased locally, it help in reducing cost of production. Local sourcing also help in reducing lead time, quick response and enhance ability to meet demand fluctuations(Coyle, Langley, Novack, Gibson, 2012). It also implements various e-sourcing strategies such as ASTRAS, eRFX through a centralized model, known as M portal. E-sourcing help in aching four key tasks, such as request preparation, inviting bids from suppliers, rating of negotiation and finally purchasing is done. To build strong collaborative supplier network various strategic actions were implemented by the company. It include continuous communication channel, supplier rating system. To ensure quality of components, purchasing of material are based on ISO 9000 that ensure quality standards are met. It also follows global compact practice to achieve sustainability. Key factors considered before selecting supplier include product quality, delivery capability, on time delivery, value creation. Suppliers are nominated 38 months before series production. There are three types of suppliers, concept supplier, series development supplier and market suppliers. Almost 50 percent of components are purchases in just in time process in assembly line; it aims to reduce stock, save time and finances. Above diagram help in understanding supply chain system in BMW group plants. Distribution strategy aims to unload consignment at places with maximum sales; it helps in reducing lead time. There is multiple distribution configuration based on location, demand and warehouse facilities. Different distribution network followed are represented in the diagram below; Final step of supply chain is the reverse logistic, that include all operations related to reuse of finished goods. There is reverse logistic department that deals with reusable, recyclable components. Different methods such as closed loop, post industry loop are used to recycle different materials. Human Resources across borders Human resource is the key assets of any organization; it helps in successful business operations and outcome. It aims to ensure that right people are hired at the right time and placed rightly to ensure maximum returns(Cascio Boudreau, 2012). Human behavior is greatly influenced by national culture, analysis shows there is huge difference in national culture of Germany (origin country) and Singapore (country of expansion). According to Hofstede analysis, Germany is low on power distance, whereas Singapore is high which shows difference in organizational structure and design; similarly Germany has an individualistic culture which is driven by competition, success and score high on uncertainty avoidance. Whereas Singapore is collective society, low on masculinity and uncertainty avoidance. Such difference might impact internal operation, staff behavior, and communication strongly(Hofstede, 2003). In BMW staff is hired from domestic market to ensure ease of management and localization of products. People are considered as most important factor in the global production network. As working globally require immense teamwork, cooperation and flexibility. Employees are hired under direct payroll of the company. Strong focus is given on employee training to enhance their work potential, tools like job rotation and employee involvement are adopted to remove monotonous work environment(Sparrow, 2009). Specific training is given on diversity management to overcome internal conflict and enhance team work. Employees are empowered to motivate, they are self-organize, allowed to make decision, take action to solve problems. There are both team based organization and individual awards given on performance, it helps in reducing team conflict and enhances coordination(Chan, Shaffer, Snape, 2004). There is presence of self-managing teams who have power to take decision on team rotation, integ rate functions of workers and managers. There is learning and sharing long term culture of we at BMW. Strong leadership that focuses on both individual goals and challenge management to view its action within culture; such proactive leadership helps in ensuring long term growth (Avery, 2004). Key issues/Opportunities Analysis above shows internationalization strategies, tools and tactics adopted by BMW to enter and sustain in foreign market. Various issues and opportunities highlighted through analysis are discussed below; As BMW is the second most purchased luxury car in Singapore, there is huge market opportunity for business expansion and growth; it can also plan launching new models and green car models in this market, as it is expected to give positive business returns. As BMW is also planning to launch autonomous car in the market, Singapore is expected to give new business opportunity to this model also There is needed to keep strategic control on human resource, to ensure there is proper coordination between global and local strategies. Significant cultural difference in two markets might cause employee dissatisfaction, conflict and other productivity issues. BMW is slow in new product development, though it has its own advantages like incorporating breakthrough in production cycle, managing lead time. But in this competitive market, it can cause concern from competition. As the supply chain is dependent on its large supplier global network there is risk of disruptions sue to geopolitical issues, natural disaster etc. Such issues might impact production adversely causing high cost of production and poor supply chain. Recommendations Below is the list of strategic actions that can be implemented by BMW management to improve its international market business scope. On the basis of market opportunities, it is recommended to implement market and product development strategy by BMW. Product development strategy involves launching of new products. New product development like launching of automatic car and electric cars in Singapore market to increase total sales. It is also advised to increase company owned outlet in Singapore market to increase its market presence and total sales. To overcome employee management challenge, it is advised to follow local culture as Asian culture is difference from Germany culture; there is need to go local in employee management as it will foster easy communication and productivity. It is also crucial to provide training on cross culture management, diversity management and team work. Open communication also helps in quick problem solving and idea sharing. It is also advised to launch research and development in Singapore, it is highly developed nation, it will help in conducting better research and gaining technological advantage Automobile companies need to opt for think global but act local approach of strategic management. Strategies are to be taken from global market, to ensure cost effective, quality product delivery in timely manner but services such as installation, customer interaction, sales; ticket handling etc. must be rendered locally to ensure business. Conclusion BMW is high end luxury car manufacturing company that is performing well in national and international markets. However, automobile industry face challenges due to ever changing market conditions and price fluctuations. Companies need to integrate strong balance between changing demand, market fluctuations, environment, informed customer etc. BMW has well managed these challenges through its effective human rescue policy, leadership and management system. It has strong supply chain network that makes production to delivery system smooth and error free. BMW has huge scope of further development in Singapore market; therefore it is advice to expand its business through new product development, research and development. Its strategic actions helped BMW in becoming a competitive firm and long term successful player in the market. Bibliography Ahmad, S., Schroeder, R. G. (2003). The impact of human resource management practices on operational performance: recognizing country and industry differences. Journal of Operations Management, 19-43. Avery, G. C. (2004). Understanding Leadership: Paradigms and Cases. London: SAGE. Blanchard, D. (2007). Supply chain management: best practices. Canada: John Wiley and Sons . BMW group. (2016). Annual report 2015. Germany: BMW group. (2016). BMW Group. Retrieved January 21, 2017, from / (2015). Export. Retrieved January 21, 2017, from Bozarth. (2008). Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management. New Delhi: Pearson. Cascio, W. F., Boudreau, J. W. (2012). Short Introduction to Strategic Human Resource Management. London: Cambridge University Press. Chan, L. L., Shaffer, M. A., Snape, E. (2004). In search of sustained competitive advantage: the impact of organizational culture, competitive strategy and human resource management practices on firm performance. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15(1), 17-35. Chandak, S., Chandak, A., Sharma, A. (2014). Globalisation of Supply Chain Management for an Automotive Industry-future Perspective. International Review of Applied Engineering Research, 155-164. Coyle, J., Langley, C., Novack, R., Gibson, B. (2012). Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective. London: Cengage Learning. Dutta, G. (2016). Global Marketing. New Delhi: Pearson Education India. (2015). Organizational Structure. Retrieved January 21, 2017, from Fahy, J. (2002). 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Monday, April 6, 2020

The Clown Of 12Th Night, Feste Essay Example For Students

The Clown Of 12Th Night, Feste Essay In William Shakespeares Twelfth Night, the character Feste is what you might call a clown. In the script he is sometimes called the Fool, and he may present himself as that. He is the comic relief for the serious scenes, although sometimes he will provide the serious subject matter himself. Feste also seems to somewhat all-knowing. He knew when no one else did that Cesario was a woman. All together, Feste seems to not be intertwined in the story too much, but rather and outsider who observes and makes random appearances when necessary. Feste seems to be a regular fixture in Olivias household. It seems like he has been there a long time and is accepted almost as one of the family. He is welcome with the servants and interacts with them often. Although Feste presents himself as a fool with no problems, you can be sure he is a whole person, who has experienced lifes joys and hardships. For example, in the scene of late night drinking, dancing and singing, Feste sings a song of a woman waiting for her love. He sings it with such passion and feeling, you cant help but think he has been there before. He also has a quick wit and a good sense of humor. Later on in the scene already mentioned, Feste is playing a song on the piano, when suddenly, Malvolio enters. Feste immediately stops playing the song and plays a pompous introduction for Malvolio. Also, when Cesario asks of Feste, Do you live by your music? Feste replies, No, I live by the church. These are just a few examples of the ways Feste exhibits humanity. We will write a custom essay on The Clown Of 12Th Night, Feste specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The character of Feste is thought of as a fool whose attitude is playful and comical. If I were casting this play, I would probably cast Robin Williams as Feste because I think that is the person to best personify him. They both have and attitude that is very joking and light-hearted. If I were costuming Feste, I would probably put him in bright colors to match his bright demeanor. His clothing would be baggy and tattered. I think Festes actions would be very large and exaggerated. The character Feste in Twelfth Night is very funny and whimsical and attracts a lot of attention. He is farcical and very amusing. The fool is a comic relief that really adds to the play. When William Shakespeare wrote this part in the play he added a whole other dimension that was needed to complete the story. Shakespeare Essays

Monday, March 9, 2020

About Jørn Utzon, Architect of the Sydney Opera House

About Jà ¸rn Utzon, Architect of the Sydney Opera House Any biography of Jà ¸rn Utzon (born  April 9, 1918) will certainly say that his best-known building is his revolutionary Sydney Opera House in Australia. Yet, as a private Dane born in Copenhagen, Utzon created many other masterpieces in his lifetime. He is noted for his courtyard-style housing in Denmark, but he also designed exceptional buildings in Kuwait and Iran. His architecture combines the organic elements of Frank Lloyd Wright with Middle Eastern and Islamic elements.   Jà ¸rn Utzon was perhaps destined to design buildings that evoke the sea. His father,  Aage Utzon (1885-1970), was director of a shipyard in Alborg, Denmark, and was himself a brilliant naval architect, well-known in the area for designing custom-made yachts. Yachting and racing was an activity within the Utzon family, and the young Jà ¸rn became a good sailor himself. The Utzons grew up with sails. Until about the age of 18, Utzon considered a career as a naval officer. While still in secondary school, he began helping his father at the shipyard, studying new designs, drawing up plans and making model yachts. This activity opened another possibility - that of training to be a naval architect like his father. During summer holidays with his grandparents, Jà ¸rn Utzon met two artists, Paul Schrà ¸der and Carl Kyberg, who introduced him to art. One of his father’s cousins, Einar Utzon-Frank, who happened to be a sculptor and a professor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, provided additional inspiration. The future architect took an interest in sculpting, and at one point, indicated a desire to be an artist. Even though his final marks in secondary school were quite poor, particularly in mathematics, Utzon excelled in freehand drawing - a talent strong enough to win his admission to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. He was soon recognized as having extraordinary gifts in architectural design. While in school, he became interested in the works of architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), who would remain influential all of Utzons life. He earned a Diploma in Architecture from the Academy in 1942, and then fled to neutral Sweden during War War II. He worked in the Stockholm office of Hakon Ahlberg for the duration of the War, where he studied the work of Swedish architect Gunnar Asplund (1885-1940), known for what is called Nordic Classicism. Following the War, Utzon had the great opportunity to work with the modernist architect Alvar Aalto at his studio in Finland. By 1949 Utzon had received a grant to travel in Morocco, Mexico, the United States, China, Japan, India, and Australia - a whirlwind world excursion that would eventually inform his architectural designs for years to come.. All of the trips had significance, and Utzon himself described ideas he learned from Mexico. As an architectonic element, the platform is fascinating, Utzon has said. I lost my heart to it on a trip to Mexico in 1949. On the Yucatan he saw land covered by low height, dense jungle. But by building up the platform on a level with the roof of the jungle, says Utzon, these people had suddenly conquered a new dimension that was a worthy place for the worship of their gods. They built their temples on these high platforms, which can be as much as a hundred metres long. From here, they had the sky, the clouds and the breeze.... Utzon remembered this experience as he submitted his design for the Sydney Opera House competition. The next year, in 1950, Utzon returned to Copenhagen, and opened his own practice. Utzons Architecture When looking at the architecture of Jà ¸rn Utzon, the observer notices repeating architectural details - the skylights, the white curves, the appreciation for natural elements, the stationary platform on which Utzon designs may soar. His last project, the Utzon Center in Aalborg, Denmark, opened the year Utzon died, but exhibits the elements he saw throughout his life - the Islamic-like towers, the interior courtyards, the curves and the skylights. The interior of the Bagsvaerd Church, built in 1976, was envisioned with a ceiling of clouds, a sweeping white pillow motif also seen in the 1982 Kuwait National Assembly in Kuwait City and the spiral stairway of the Melli Bank, University of Tehran Branch in 1960 Iran. Yet it is the Sydney Opera House in Australia that has captured the moniker of iconic architecture. The iconic design of the Sydney Opera House complex comes from the shell-shape of the multiple roofs - they are all geometrically part of one sphere. A bonze plaque located onsite visually demonstrates the architectural idea and design solution, who wanted the plaque to explain the spherical concept of the architecture. The key to the shell design is that each shell or sail is an element of a solid sphere. The plaque Inscription tells the story: after three years of intensive search for a basic geometry for the shell complex I arrived in october 1961 at the spherical solution shown here.I call this my key to the shells because it solves all the problems of construction by opening up for mass production, precision in manufacture and simple erection and with this geometrical system I attain full harmony between all the shapes in this fantastic complex.jà ³rn utzon Danish architect Jà ¸rn Utzon was only 38 when he won the competition to build the Sydney Opera House.   The project became the highlight of his career but brought enormous challenges in engineering and building technology. Utzons winning design, submitted in 1957, moved through a complicated process with many adaptations and innovations before the Sydney Opera House officially opened on October 20, 1973. Utzons Legacy Ada Louise Huxtable, an architecture critic and a member of the 2003 Pritzker Prize jury, commented, In a forty year practice, each commission displays a continuing development of ideas both subtle and bold, true to the teaching of early pioneers of a new architecture, but that cohere in a prescient way, most visible now, to push the boundaries of architecture toward the present. This has produced a range of work from the sculptural abstraction of the Sydney Opera House that foreshadowed the avant garde expression of our time, and is widely considered to be the most notable monument of the 20th century, to handsome, humane housing and a church that remains a masterwork today. Carlos Jimenez, an architect on the Pritzker Jury, noted that ...each work startles with with its irrepressible creativity. How else to explain the lineage binding those indelible ceramic sails on the Tasmanian Sea, the fertile optimism of the housing at Fredensborg, or those sublime undulations of the ceilings at Bagsvà ¦rd, to name just three of Utzon’s timeless works. At the end of his life, the Pritzker Prize-winning architect faced new challenges. A degenerative eye condition left Utzon nearly blind. Also, according to news reports, Utzon clashed with his son and grandson over a remodeling project at the Sydney Opera House. The acoustics at the Opera House was criticized, and many people complained that the celebrated theater did not have enough performance or backstage space. Jà ¸rn Utzon died of a heart attack on November 29, 2008 in Copenhagen, Denmark at age 90. He was survived by his wife and their three children, Kim, Jan and Lin, and several grandchildren who work in architecture and related fields. There is no doubt that artistic clashes will be forgotten as the world honors  Jà ¸rn Utzons powerful artistic legacy. The architectural firm he founded, Utzon Associates Architects, is in Hellebaek, Denmark. Sources Biography, The Hyatt Foundation, PDF at the Utzon Family, Citation, The Hyatt Foundation, History, Sydney Opera House, Fast Facts Born April 9, 1918 in Copenhagen, DenmarkInfluenced by Mayan, Islamic, and Chinese architecture; Frank Lloyd Wright and Alvar Aalto; growing up next to a shipyardBest-known as the architect of the Sydney Opera House (1957-1973) in Sydney, AustraliaDied November 29, 2008 in Copenhagen, Denmark

Friday, February 21, 2020

Critical analysis of 2 plays Wilson, Fences and Hansberry, Raisin in Essay

Critical analysis of 2 plays Wilson, Fences and Hansberry, Raisin in the Sun - Essay Example Black people living in the Northern cities also had to deal with a great deal of racism and lack of opportunity. Not as recognized because it was not codified, the boundaries discovered in the Northern cities were sometimes just as harsh as those experienced in the Southern fields. Several of the limitations or boundaries experienced by black people in the Northern towns might have gone largely unrecognized had it not been for bold playwrights such as Lorraine Hansberry and August Wilson willing to capture, as much as possible, their interpretation of the black experience. In â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun† and â€Å"Fences†, both Hansberry and Wilson are able to expose the hidden boundaries their characters encounter as they attempt to achieve a modest version of the American dream. Lorraine Hansberry’s play â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun† attempts to portray a relatively typical black family realistically attempting to cope with the boundaries the American society has placed on them. Opening the way for future writers to blatantly name their experience, the play opened on stage in 1959 and received positive reaction from white and black audiences for its bald realism. The play essentially reveals what happens during the few weeks following the death of the father, Mr. Younger. Mr. Younger (Big Walter) and Mrs. Lena Younger had once hoped of achieving the American Dream as she remarks to Ruth in Act I, scene 1: â€Å"We was going to set away, little by little, don’t you know, and buy a little place out in Morgan Park. We had even picked out the house †¦ Lord, child, you should know all the dreams I had ‘bout buying that house and fixing it up and making me a little garden in the back †¦ And didn’t none of it happen† (Hansberry 45). This conversation occurs because the family is waiting on the delivery of an insurance check in

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Human Sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Human Sexuality - Essay Example Others are confident that homosexuality contradicts the basic laws of nature. However, more often, such misunderstanding is due to the lack of scientific knowledge and theories regarding the development of sexual orientation in humans. The findings of contemporary research in human sexuality are at least controversial. Whether the orientation is the product of genetic of social influences is difficult to define: the current scientific knowledge does not provide an answer to this question. However, based on everything that has been written and said about the issue under consideration so far, the development of sexual orientation is a complex process that combines the features of genetic and social influences. Contemporary science treats sexual orientation as one of the most popular topics of scholarly research, and the issue of human sexuality is often reconsidered from the different philosophic viewpoints. Today, essentialism and social constructivism are fairly regarded as the two principal perspectives in the analysis of sexual orientation development. If we turn to essentialism, we will find out that the orientation, as well as sexuality, in general, as rooted in intrinsic, biological processes. Put simply, sexual orientation, including homosexuality, is the critical feature of the human nature and is an essential element of the human genetic structure. In their philosophic arguments, essentialists primarily apply to the principles of the evolutionary theory, and claim that â€Å"both human sexuality and sexual orientation are coded in human genes; essentialists also claim that throughout the human history, genes promoted reproduction and survival of humans†.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A Critique On Rene Descartes Ontological Argument

A Critique On Rene Descartes Ontological Argument Of all the recurring questions of Man, one of the most persistent is the question of our origins. Specifically the question of what, if anything, caused us to exist. It has been argued by generations of minds, all seeking the definitive explanation of our existence. One such mind was that of Rene Descartes, a brilliant philosopher of his time, throughout and beyond ours. His ideas on geometry and metaphysics, among others, remain influential upon the thinkers of today. In Meditations, Descartes formulates the framework and guidelines of his First Philosophy or metaphysics, where methodic doubt is used to discern the nature of being and the world. Here he describes how we can derive a reliable method that can definitively determine what is certain and what is suspect, and further apply that method to prove the existence of absolute ideas such as God or mathematics. The methods ground-up approach is supposed to provide for the foundations of certain knowledge, and so it does. Descartes believes that after I call into doubt everything that can easily be relegated as uncertain (such as sense dependent data), I am left with mental ideas of things that I once experienced through the senses. Given that a chairs physical existence may be suspect, my idea of a chair may also be suspect in regard of some aspects such as appearance, yet I cannot suspect the fact that I am thinking of scale, quantity, measurement, space, etc. in providing for my mental image of the chair. Hence for Descartes, there are things that are certain regardless of sense experience and it seems mentally impossibly to conceive of them as false. Given this, Descartes develops his reasoning for the existence of God as an all-perfect being. He does this by beginning with an idea that is considered certain and attributing what makes us feel as if something is certain. In this case he considers something certain as something so clearly and vividly perceived that it cannot be untrue. Here he implies then that for something to be true, I just have to have a clear and vivid idea of it and that alone is enough antecedent for its truth-value. He clarifies this by describing the nature of the mind to have clear and distinct knowledge of certain thing to be true because of its basis in something true that is external from the senses. So, when I distinctly and vividly perceive of something I do so in such intensity because of my recall with the higher form of the idea. Descartes then says that one can know that some properties of these higher idea forms can be known to be true because if I know of ultimate idea of a triangle, when I per ceive its three angles to be equal to two right angles, it must be true because I cannot so vividly perceive it as a triangle unless the ultimate nature of a triangle did not contain the predicate of its three angles being equal to two right angles. So then, a property of a clear and distinct object must be true by the basis of its being perceived as also being clear and distinct. Since the concept of a perfect being implies that it contains its own necessary existence, that is, for it to be perfect it must in itself contain all perfections and by extension all expressions of such. For Descartes, because it is clear and distinct that the idea of a perfect God must hold that God has necessary existence, and that if I have an idea of something and I clearly perceive it to have a property then that thing really has that property, then God must exist because Gods existence naturally follows from Gods conception. The problem with this is that because of Descartes logical framework, all it takes for something to exist in the world is to somehow incorporate the idea of existence into the nature of the concept. Also, because all it takes for it to be true is that that I perceive that existence is part of the concept just enough to be vivid and clear. Such that I could conceive of a chair and it would not exist, but the chair were somehow ascribed with a nature of existence such that the chair has the property of existence, and that I clearly and so distinctly perceived it as such, then it would exist. So then, all it takes to create a chair into existence is to somehow be able to build it to the point that I clearly perceive it to be an existing chair. Clearly, we cannot just go around creating chairs out of thin air, so this must not be the case. So then, it should not be so that I can conclude that a thing is existing in the world just by clearly and distinctly perceiving that existence is par t of the things nature. While there must be something that carries its own necessary existence within itself, it should not be so that I am able to ascribe self-necessity to something, as that defeats its purpose. Another similar problem with the Cartesian ontological argument is that just because one knows a perfect Gods nature as having necessary existence, it does not follow that God is in a state of existence. This is because something that is existing, can not necessarily be in existence as a thing. Given that I were to think of the concept of God, and Gods properties, it follows by Cartesian logic that the only thing I can know to be true is that the existence of the concept God, rather than that God is existing in the world. Therefore, when I think of something, I regard it as existing just by the conception of it, regardless of whether the thing I am thinking of exists as such. So existence does not really add to the idea of something because it already exists as one conceptualizes the idea. It can be seen then that Descartes is sneaking that God is existing in the world, when he can only actually observe that there is a subject such as God, and that God-concept is omnipotent, omniscie nt, self-necessary, etc. in the world. For it would be different if there were ways we could empirically observe that God existed in the world. If God existed in the world, then we would be able to observe that a part of Gods essence is that God is existing since it would be obvious to our senses. Given that God was existing, then there would be more perceivable signs of God interacting with matter that are present, even to the point of having an experience of personally watching God affect matter as it is happening. However this is clearly not the case, for we come to our knowledge of God only through the mind, and our current understanding of the physical world. We know that God, being wholly perfect, must then contain all necessary existence within itself, otherwise it would be dependent on another for its own existence and hence not perfect. Clearly this is a logical deduction, which comes from premises that show our collective conception of what an all perfect being is. In othe r words, all we know is that there is a concept of omnipotence- but not perceive omnipotence in reality, there is such a thing as omniscience-but not perceive of omniscience in reality, etc, and that there is such a concept of God who contains all these things by virtue of conceiving Gods God-ness- but no perceive of God in reality. As shown, this is the case in the world, where we can have no relevant or reliable sensory experiences that can show Gods existing in the real world. So then, Descartes is making a logical leap of assumption when he shows that the basis for Gods existing as the fact that God has necessary existence. In making that assumption, he assumes that when I have the full concept of God in my head, as in the idea of God fully and purely, then I clearly perceive Gods necessary existence, and therefore I am supposed to realize that God exists-just because it seems so real to me. Descartes attributes much weight to the feeling that something is clear and distinct, when as it can be seen that it is not enough to perceive a concept as clear and distinct and immediately assume that the concept exists. After all, one can be clear on a concept, and yet that concept could exist in reality or not. In the same way, from being clear that God as existence per se, we can be clear that the concept God as such exists, not that God is existing. The all-perfect being may in fact exist then, but Descartes ontological argument is not enough to be able to expla in how such a being exists in the world.

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Wisconsin Graduation Test - A Good Idea :: essays papers

The Wisconsin Graduation Test - A Good Idea What is a test? The Webster’s New American Dictionary defines a test as â€Å"a critical examination or evaluation†. The World Book 2000 Encyclopedia defines testing as â€Å"an attempt to measure a person’s knowledge, intelligence, or other characteristics in a systematic way†. The Wisconsin 2004 freshmen will have to take a graduation test in order to graduate their senior year. They have four chances to pass the graduation examination. This paper will explain how the current requirements for graduating compare to the graduation standardized test. Included are the obstacles that are involved with implementing the test, group and individual opinions concerning the graduation test, and a recent survey of people involved with the test. The graduation requirements at most high schools are similar to the graduation test standards in many content areas. To graduate, a student needs to complete four credits of English, three credits of social studies, two credits of mathematics, and two credits of science. (Misky) The four credits of English include instruction in written and oral communication, grammar and usage of the English language, and literature. (Misky) This is similar to the test, which measures reading, literature, writing, language, media and technology, and research and inquiry. (Wisconsin) The three credits of Social Studies cover instruction in state and local government. (Misky) The test includes geography, history, politics, economics, and behavioral sciences. (Wisconsin) The two credits of math provide instruction in the properties, processes, and symbols of arithmetic, and elements of algebra, geometry, and statistics. (Misky) The test contains mathematical processes, number operations and relations hips, measurement, geometry, statistics and probability, and algebraic relationships. (Wisconsin) The two credits of science incorporate Physical science and Life science. (Misky) The test provides science connections, nature of science, science inquiry, Physical science, Earth and Space science, Life and Environmental science, science applications, and science in personal and social perspectives. (Wisconsin) In most cases the categories are equivalent with each other. The categories that fall short will just have to be propelled or altered to fit the test. The decision to have a graduation test or not met with a great deal of resistance. One of the largest problems was the parents’ perspective on the test. The parents didn’t want their kids to take the test because of the high risk of failure. Another problem group was the legislators.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Marketing Environment Essay

Marketing is a organizational function and a collection of processes designed to plan for create, communicate, and deliver value to customers and to build effective customer relationship in ways that benefit the organization and its stake holders. Profits and other organizational goals are achieved by creating value for customers. The creation of value is the realization of benefits that exceed the cost of products, services or other items. One important concept in marketing is the idea of utility. Utility is the satisfaction received from owning or consuming a product or service. In a market sense, utility is the value that marketers intend consumers to attach to that marketer’s product or services. A need is a necessity to meet an urgent requirement. A want is a desire for something that is not essential. Furthermore, demand is the financial capacity to buy what a person wants, for that business’s brand of products or services through marketing activities such as advertising. A brand is a promise to deliver to consumers specific benefits associated with products or services. Marketing influences you as a consumer through your current and future career choices, and through the economy. Marketing extends to a variety of tangible and intangible items; they are products, services, people, places, causes, events and ideas. Marketing concept is an organizational philosophy dedicated to understanding and fulfilling consumer needs through the creation of value. Marketing concept mainly focus on customers relationship. Customer relationship created when businesses and consumers interact through a sales transaction of a product or service. It will refer to customer relationship management (CRM). Marketing functions are activities performed within organizations that create value for specific products or services. In terms of understanding all these theory, we started Butterfly Travel Agency Sdn.Bhd to gain experience and knowledge in marketing as practically. Marketing Environment Marketing environment is a set of forces, some controllable and some uncontrollable, that influence the ability of a business to create value and attract and serve customers. Many factors influence value creation and the nature of customer relationships, including factors that are external to the business. Internal marketing is the implementation of marketing practices within an organization to communicate organizational policies to employees and internal stakeholders. Internal marketing efforts are the business’s resources, including human and financial capital. The external environment of a business involves activities, such as supplier and customer actions, that occur outside the organizational functions of a business. External marketing can be implements into microenvironment and macro environment. Microenvironment (Porter’s Five Forces) The microenvironment includes these forces close to a company, yet outside its internal environment, that influence the ability of a business to serve its customers. A tool that helps determine the power of microenvironment of a business is Porter’s Five Forces of competitive Position Model. Porter analysis can assist a business with understanding the potential for new product development the attractiveness of a particular market segment or the potential to reduce costs of supply or distribution among many applications. Macro environment The macro environment includes societal forces that are essentially uncontrollable and influence the microenvironment of a business. The macro environment contains the following variety of sub-environments are economic, social and cultural, competitive, legal, political and technological.